Land O' Lakes Baseball League

Regular Season Stats (Leaders) - All-Time

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Note: A minimum of 21 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
Medium 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Zach Biermann
1. Zach Biermann .536
2. Jack Thelen .500
3. Joe Scaffidi .462
4. Clayton Schmitt .460
5. Adam Sarauer .450
Plate Appearances PA
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Nick Erd
1. Nick Erd 255
2. Adam Rohlinger 249
3. T.J. Roberts 236
4. Taylor Koth 235
5. Buck Konkol 233
Stolen Bases SB
Medium img 0045
Nick Erd
1. Nick Erd 31
2. Mike Mierow 22
3. Sam Mattheis 21
4. Don Matovich 21
5. Tim Kahle 17
On-Base Percentage OBP
Medium minnewaska area lakers
Nick Vasic
1. Nick Vasic .610
2. Jack Thelen .609
3. Nathan Thyssen .568
4. Nick Wichser .545
5. Clayton Schmitt .534
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Medium 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Zach Biermann
1. Zach Biermann 1.712
2. Jack Thelen 1.359
3. Nick Schreiber 1.278
4. Nick Wichser 1.246
5. Alex Kerschner 1.238
Slugging Percentage SLG
Medium 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Zach Biermann
1. Zach Biermann 1.179
2. Nick Schreiber .782
3. Alex Kerschner .750
4. Jack Thelen .750
5. Nick Wichser .701
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Medium 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Adam Rohlinger
1. Adam Rohlinger 54
2. Seth Kroenke 44
3. Billy Bynum 37
4. Ty Kozlowski 33
5. Nick Erd 33
Sacrifice Hits (Bunts) SH
Medium blue sox ball logo only navy
Tim Kahle
1. Tim Kahle 8
2. Nick Erd 7
3. Benny Serres 7
4. Buck Konkol 6
5. Patrick O'Brien 6
Note: A minimum of 21 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
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Nick Schreiber
1. Nick Schreiber 1.01
2. Josh Ruppel 1.29
3. Josh Lemke 1.83
4. Matt Parrent 1.98
5. Johnny Arnold 1.98
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Original extra large pewaukee muskies
Brian Henschel
1. Brian Henschel 0.89
2. Nick Schreiber 0.93
3. BJ Sabol 1.00
4. Jonathan Keane 1.04
5. Ben Versnik 1.10
Innings Pitched IP
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Travis Thompson
1. Travis Thompson 309.0
2. Brian Henschel 273.2
3. Don August 224.2
4. Nick Erd 214.2
5. Greg Basthemer 187.1
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Original img 31566783 primary
Blake Hunt
1. Blake Hunt 93
2. Nick Erd 80
3. Brad Rindfleisch 79
4. Carl Mercier 75
5. Troy Kenkel 66
Note: A minimum of 0 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.